Investing in entry-level talent for long-term success

HammondCare modifies its hiring practices, creating opportunities for graduates like Akanksha Kalamkar.

Dedicated to improving quality of life for people in need, health and aged care provider HammondCare has been working hard to fill the deficit of all workers in this critical sector, from frontline staff to critical behind the scenes teams. 

With a growing operational reliance on technology and software, the organisation decided it was time to adjust its hiring practices to connect with hard-to-find IT talent. 

HammondCare turned to Generation Australia in search of skilled individuals that would contribute to the business; not only from a tech perspective, but from a cultural one too. 

“It’s no longer enough to think about how we bring new people into a role, but how we can take on entry-level talent and grow them into passionate and successful employees,” says Sarah Dorber Platform Manager at HammondCare. 

Armed with a Salesforce certification, HammondCare hired Generation Australia graduate, Akanksha Kalamkar, in June 2022. As a Salesforce Systems Analyst, she has proven herself to be a valued member of the team, bringing much needed technology skills to support the organisation’s operations.


Investing in talent provides long-term benefits for all

Attracting and retaining talent can be difficult at the best of times. The tech sector is particularly competitive with employers often favouring those with expertise and experience, leaving entry-level workers behind. 

Sarah believes more companies need to invest in growing talent from the beginning of their career and focus on candidates who can learn on the job and use their initiative. 

“We do not expect people to come with all the credentials, but by taking the time to invest in entry-level talent, we are establishing a new pipeline of workers who can see a sustainable career path in front of them,” shares Sarah. 

According to Sarah, the big difference working with Generation Australia is the focus on teaching technical and soft people skills, including how to handle workplace scenarios and communicating with different stakeholders. 

“New strategies must be implemented in order to keep up with the shifting talent market. As a care-based organisation, we want employees who not only possess the required skills to do the job, but also the transferable skills that make them a great cultural fit within our team,” explains Sarah.


More than just an employee

HammondCare strongly believes in the intrinsic value of every person; it is at the heart of what they do, and the organisation strives for continuous improvement. 

“Our partnership with Generation Australia means we have been able to hire an incredible employee in Akanksha Kalamkar. She’s enthusiastic about having a meaningful career and most importantly, shares the values required to work in a care setting,” says Sarah. 

Akanksha is originally from India and had previous experience in web design before moving to Australia. 

“Through Generation Australia, I met like-minded individuals going through similar situations. While I had some technical learnings from my previous experiences, Generation Australia really helped me to develop my people skills, mainly around communication to internal and external partners as well as navigating the Australian workforce,” says Akanksha.


Seeing success with Generation Australia

Sarah acknowledges that building talent internally is tough, but with the right partner, magic can happen. 

The partnership between Generation Australia and HammondCare highlights the need for organisations to consider new ways to attract and retain employees, particularly those sectors experiencing workforce shortages.

“I believe employers, across all industries, need to consider alternative pathways to hiring. By doing so, they’re not only expanding their talent pool, but they are giving people an opportunity to have new experiences.”

“With Generation Australia, you can expect graduates who are looking for meaningful work, possessing not only the technical skills, but also the workplace attitudes to make a great impact within an organisation,” concludes Sarah. 

If you’re seeking a reliable pipeline of skilled and diverse talent, get in touch with us today: